What is the ROI of a future-proof B2B commerce platform?

A digital sales channel offers a wide range of business benefits, which in total generate more revenue and greater competitiveness. This whitepaper provides insights and practical tips on how to leverage the Return on Investment (ROI) of an e-commerce platform as a compelling argument to convince other departments and the board of your business case.

Your key takeaways:

  • Why invest in a B2B e-commerce platform?
  • How to calculate the ROI of a B2B e-commerce platform? 
  • Which direct and indirect benefits can I achieve through an e-commerce platform?
  • How much does a B2B e-commerce platform cost?
  • Success stories: How did leading B2B companies such as Spinner, Häfele, Paredes and RAJA achieve a quick ROI by implementing the Intershop Commerce Platform?
ROI of a future proof b2b commerce platform

A practical guide for your B2B e-commerce investment