Replatforming in B2B commerce: Success factors and best practices

Outdated systems often no longer meet the growing requirements of digital commerce. This whitepaper provides practical tips and answers 4 key-questions to make your e-commerce software migration project a complete success:
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Outdated technology? When is it time to replatform?

Replatforming – the process of moving to a modern B2B e-commerce platform - is very often seen as (too) expensive and time-consuming. However, if you take the right approach and follow best-practices, a successful migration project removes complexity and prepares you for the future.

Our whitepaper answers 4 key questions to make your replatforming project a success:

Outdated technology? Don't hesitate and prepare yourself now!

  • How do I respond to changing customer needs?
  • What do I need to make my online shop distinctive and flexible?
  • How do I prevent system instability and poor performance?
  • Can replatforming help me save time and money?

Download whitepaper now!

Robert Neumann
CSS Commerce
Robert Neumann
Chief Digital Officer LinkedIn
"Technological development is relentlessly fast these days and customers always expect the latest features when doing business on a platform. And if they don’t get what they expect they will look elsewhere for it. I contributed to this whitepaper to share best practices form over 25 years of working with manufacturers and distributors. And to make your replatforming project a success!"
This whitepaper is a practical guide for your replatforming project. Happy reading!